Saturday, October 3, 2009

October 3, 2009

I decided each entry I place, to just put the date.
Well I woke up at around 9:00 and cleaned out the refrigerator because my grandmother was coming in this evening. Swept for about twenty minutes, before taking a bath and going to October Fest (Oxford Fest) in Oxford. My family and I arrived there at around 2:00-ish and left at 2:45. For a short time there though, I had a great time! Bought awesome art work from awesome people there, saw someone get them selves animated. It was awesome. And was too short. (sigh.)

I got back home and began to work some more on the art project I'm working on. A 5'0 foot canvas drawing. Oh fun! I'm almost done with the sketching, but not quit there. I have around 5 art trades I need to finish. But they will have to wait until I'm out of artists block. Plus I have college homework to do!!

Dinner was good tonight. I watched my favorite Harry Potter Movie and everything.

After dinner I went onto my DeviantART to just be a curious person and see who has been on it lately:

...I think I'm on DA a little to much. XD

Well, That's all for today! Might post some time later. See y'all. :3